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User Management

Shack User Switching allows you to test any user account on your sites, without compromising their passwords. With one click, you can browse your site and see exactly what your users see. This is a safe and useful way to troubleshoot problems for your site's users.
Allows website owners to verify their users identity by submitted files (pdf, images, docs..) or social accounts of registered users, files are automatically
Generate, or import login accounts from a .csv file without the need of the Joomla frontend registration process
Add User Frontend makes it possible to add users to Joomla from the frontend. It will even allow authors to add users if you set the right permissions. But by default only super users have acces. However, we advise you to be careful with those settings. Don't use these if you don't know what you are doing.
Can give an option to your site members, through which they can delete their account.
Despite RO Users being a very specific tool, there are quite a few interesting features that makes life a lot easier. You can configure when user accounts should be deleted, if user accounts who never logged-in should be deleted automatically, bounce email handling.
This plugin helps admin users to login to the front-end as a specific user. It is useful for websites where the admin user needs to check if a user can see their order(s) correctly, if a form was filled out correctly, or any issues with a user's personal details, etc. The Admin user will be accessing all this information as the external User in order to replicate any issues and assist the user.
A Joomla component to profile users by adding custom fields and profile image. Extend Joomla profile with Privacy, Security, Registration Validation. Keyword Search and many more.
Easily add, remove and edit custom fields on Joomla registration form. Collect more user information in their accounts with custom fields. View, edit and manage user information in Joomla admin panel.
Easy Profile is a powerful component for Joomla that allows you to profile users by using custom fields