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Access & Security

Track Actions stuck with issue to track user activity on your website admin side & increase security by tracking log of all users activity
Backup, restore and transfer any PHP site or application in seconds. Based on the rock-solid Akeeba Backup technology. The easiest way to backup and transfer your PHP applications.
Most hacker attacks are preventable. Instantly protect your website from most attacks with jomDefender, a must-have first line of defense for every Joomla-powered website.
Keep your forms spam free with user friendly Captcha alternatives.
Joomla extension allows to login to Joomla using social network account: Facebook, VK, Google, LinkedIn, Yandex, Twitter, Mail.ru, Instagram, WordPress, odnoklassniki.
SP Staging is a tool with the ability to manage remotely all Joomla! extensions from a central coordinator site on all your Joomla! sites. Imagine using the core Joomla! Extensions Manager with all its functionality (install, find updates, update, upgrade Joomla! etc), but instead you can control all your sites from one place
Redirect users on login per accesslevel / usersgroup
VikSecure is an extension that offers a lot of security services to protect and sanitize your Joomla! website from hackers, bots and malware
Right Click Disable is an extension which can help you to disable visitors or users to right click on your page which can help you to protect your content from directly being copied.
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