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Create FAQs, Accordion, Slider (Horizontal and Vertical) effortlessly. The best responsive and drag & drop Accordion FAQ builder. You can add multiple accordion and collapse with this.
Accordion menus - a Joomla menu from the JoomlaUX team are used widely in navigation, sliding, minimizing, and maximizing content. Such accordions practically are expandable whenever needed.
The Accordion Menu by Nextend is a user-friendly, highly customizable and easy to integrate solution to build your custom menus the way you want them.
Vertical Menu is a user-friendly, highly customizable, multi-purpose menu solution for Joomla, and many other popular Components. It easily fits to all templates and looks amazing on any device while provide the best performance that you have ever seen, with the perfect combination of the well-optimized codebase and the most recent technologies
The patch Accordeon CK - Virtuemart can show your categories. The menu Accordeon CK is an advanced accordion menu system that allows you to insert some descriptions for each menu link, to load any module in the menu structure, and display some image beside the text or just without any text.
AP Accordion Menu will help you to easily create multiple responsive and vertical accordion menus using menus available in Joomla.