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VikSecure is an extension that offers a lot of security services to protect and sanitize your Joomla! website from hackers, bots and malware
Spam Protection, IP Blocking, Access & Security, Site Security, Security Tools, Texpaok - Securitycheck Security Check
jSecure Authentication is a security component which enables multi layered security protection to your Joomla website. Drawback: Joomla has one drawback, any web user can easily know the site is created in Joomla! by typing the URL to access the administration area (i.e. www.site name.com/administration). This makes hackers hack the site easily once they crack id and password for Joomla!. Information: jSecure Authentication module prevents access to administration (back end) login page without appropriate access key. Easy to install, jSecure adds a higher level of security to your Joomla website.
RSFirewall! is the most advanced Joomla! security extension, developed by us at RSJoomla!, that you can use to protect your Joomla! website from intrusions and hacker attacks. It's backed up by a team of experts that are trained to be always up to date with the latest known vulnerabilities and security updates, making RSFirewall! the best choice in keeping your website safe.