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Amazon Shopping Cart 2.1.0

(3 votes)
This is a package of Joomla extensions based around our AmazonWS plugin, that allows you to create a complete Amazon store on your Joomla website. Our AmazonWS content plugin has long been one of our most popular extensions: it allows you to embed product information from the Amazon Product Advertising API into your Joomla articles and other content, using the article metatags, or some simple embedding code.

This version includes extra cart features, which allow customers to shop and place products in their cart directly on your site.

It includes these features:-

  • customers can browse Amazon products on your site, and search the Amazon database directly from your site.
  • customers can insert products into their cart directly on your site, modify the quantity, delete items, save them for later, all on your site
  • customers only leave your site when they are ready to check out, they pay through Amazon
  • article authors can search the Amazon database directly from the Joomla editor, using an editor button which automatically inserts the short code for you
  • it will work with any of these Amazon country sites: amazon.com, amazon.de, amazon.co.uk, amazon.fr, amazon.it, amazon.es, amazon.co.jp, amazon.ca, amazon.cn, amazon.in, amazon.com.br, amazon.com.mx
  • show results from more than one country
  • embed single products or the results of Amazon searches
  • refine searches by search index, author, title, keywords, power searches for books
  • use tracking ids to check which links or authors are generating sales
  • a big choice of layouts for the output
  • also the plugin output can be overriden using template overrides
  • short code parameters allow you to further customise output
  • smart caching so that the impact of Amazon throttling of responses is minimised
  • show reviews and rating
  • show Amazon attributes such as author, publisher, brand, artist, creator, actor etc
  • show a choice of prices including the list price, sale price and new and used offer prices
  • show product images
  • support included and bug fixes
  • updates for one year after purchase

 The Shopping Cart Package

It consists of the following extensions:-

  • AmazonWS content plugin - handles embedding the product information into your Joomla content;
  • AmazonWS API plugin -  handles the contact with the Amazon server
  • AmazonWS component - provides extra views, handles the shopping cart functions;
  • Amazon Shopping Cart module - provides a "mini-cart" module, allowing customers to see the current contents of their cart
  • Amazon Product Search module - allows customers to search for products and see the results on your site
  • Amazon Shopping Cart user plugin - handles saving carts for logged in users
  • AWS Product editor plugin - provides a Joomla editor button that allows you to search for and select products directly when editing an article, and will automatically insert the code for you into your article
  • Amazon Similar plugin and module - provide the ability to display similar products to the ones currently being viewed
  • Amazon Tags plugin - adds Joomla tags to product articles using product browse nodes, a handy way to link related items through the Joomla tags component
  • Amazon Country Selector module - for multi-country sites
  • Amazon Showcase module - shows Amazon products in a nice slideshow with transition effects

These extensions are supplied as a single package, which you upload and install to your Joomla site in the normal way.

The Amazon Shopping Cart package is designed to extend the AmazonWS plugin so that it offers a much more complete shopping experience. Customers will be able to browse on your site, search for products, and add them to their shopping cart, all on your own website. They only go to the Amazon site to check out and pay. Within the cart the customers can have multiple items, can modify the quantity, delete items, or save them for later. If they are logged into your site the cart can also be stored for up to 90 days: useful for people who want to go "window shopping" but are not ready to buy yet. The advantage for you is that customers may buy more stuff using your affiliate links, and the source of the purchase will be more directly traceable to your site (what Amazon consider a "qualifying purchase" in their terms).

How The Cart Works

The shopping cart is hosted on the Amazon server, but is displayed on your site. It is created when a customer decides to buy an item by clicking the 'add to cart' button. The customer can add items, modify the quantity in the cart, delete items and save them for later, all on your site. When they are ready to check out they are taken to Amazon, your affiliate tag (your associates id) is in the link so that Amazon credits you with the sale.

System Requirements

The latest release is compatible with Joomla 3.7+ and 4. There are also legacy versions available for earlier versions of Joomla, please contact us for further information.

This extension is compatible with the Joomla core content component, and all components that support content plugins, such as Easy Blog and K2.


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