Maps Providers: Google Maps and OpenStreetMaps (and respective directions and elevations)
Quick Tracks: Now you can create tracks on the fly by drawing on the map instead of uploading files.
Responsive - works on your mobiles and tabs too
Multiple formats - Supports GPX, KML & KMZ file formats
Categories - Multi-level categorization to better organize your tracks
Tagging support - Tag the tracks and browse faster
Ratings - 5 star rating system to rate tracks
Multiple map types - Map, Hybrid, Satellite, Terrain types
All track points module - to display the start points of all tracks submitted in any module position.
GPS tools module - to display latest, popular listings in module position with support for tabbed display of all lists.
Fully customizable - Speed chart, Elevation Chart & Heart Rate Chart (GPX files only)
Way point tables - Displays useful information such as time, distance, statistics etc (GPX files only)
Configurable measurement types - in miles or kilometers, speed scale - mps or kmph
Controls - Scale control, zoom control, overview map
Content plugin to display track in Joomla Articles.
Submission Moderation - Moderate user submissions and approve right from email notification in your inbox.
User Avatars - CjForum, CjBlog, Gravatar, JomSocial, Community Builder, Kunena, Alpha User Points
Activity Stream - CjForum, JomSocial & EasySocial
Points System - CjForum, CjBlog, AUP, JomSocial, EasySocial
Comments System - Supports Disqus Comments, Intense Debate Comments, Facebook Comments, JAComment, JComments
Permissions system - restrict users from creating tracks, download or rate tracks etc.
Email notifications - to administrators about new tracks/moderation.
Social sharing and bookmarking
And many more feature out of the box
Login to Download - Registration is Free in BlackJoomla but you should have subscription for download - FAQ
If after login, appears Warning (The security token did not match...) please refresh page and login again
12 file a month, always free to get started! Please see Plans
Before send message Please study FAQ
All of files compressed by WinRAR - use from Latest WinRAR before install
Password for all files:BlackJoomla.com