How it would be wonderful, if your visitors could listen any selected text from your site? We made that possible. We use Google power to provide you the best quality of automatic text to speech service. Enjoy !
Added 40 speaker types, new effects.
✔ Allows to listen any text from the site
✔ Feature to show speaker, when user highlights text
✔ 58 languages supported by Google
✔ Autoplay Feature
✔ Feature to set greeting audio for your users
✔ Ability to set custom events
✔ Unlimited text to speech
✔ Place speaker wherever you want
✔ Ability to set custom style and language for each audio block, by using following structure:
✔ Customizable audio block styles
✔ 40 speaker types!
✔ Customizable TTS block styles.
✔ Customizable tooltip styles!
✔ Cross browser support
✉ SUPPORT: If you think you found a bug or have any problem or question concerning this extension, do not hesitate to contact us in support forum -
REQUIREMENTS: This extension requires Joomla 3.x.
PHP Curl library is required.
➤ IMPORTANT: Please do NOT use reviews to submit bug reports, feature requests, and suggestions. For such stuff use the support forum instead.
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