With our extension, you don't need to go to your social network pages and update your articles(items), all thing you need to do is create articles on your site then extension will automatically creates a link with message, title image and description of article and posted it, so you can reach the most audience and tell all your friends and readers and followers about your new posts.
- Work on joomla 2.5 and 3.x.
- Worked fine on all version K2.
- Easy to install and update.
- User friendly interface.
- Works in both frontend and backend.
- Support SEF url.
- Option short link: Url default, bit.ly, is.gd, ...
- Publish article to Facebook Personal Page, Facebook Fan Page, Facebook Group Page, Twitter, LinkedIn, LinkedIn Group.
- Use your own Social Network API, publishing to social network using your own brand.
- Automatically share new articles on your social network pages or you can choose social network you want posted for the articles.
- Posted title, link, image and limited short description that you set an amount for it.
- You can post a message to description in your article on wall too.
- Post to multiple Social network accounts.
- Random posted an article to social network everyday.
- Support multiple accounts.
- Automatic posted when you choose "publishing date" feature.
- Allow managers the accounts your social network.
- Allow managers the articles you have posted.
- Fully compatible IE7+, Firefox 2+, Flock 0.7+, Netscape, Safari, Opera 9.5, etc...
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