This Joomla Aggregator Automated-Engine offers you fully control of:
- Where to collect content for your Joomla site
- How to re-format the content before pass it to 3rd party Joomla Extension.
- Where the content will be stored.
Main Features
- Collect content from ANY external sources
- Re-format collected content with smart processors
- Store into ANY third-party Joomla! Extensions
- Auto run with Cronjob (Scheduler)
- Logs system
Available Engines
- RSS Reader: to read RSS Feed, to offer RSS Feed to Post functionality.
- Links Finder: this engine should be used to fetch the URLs of items from any HTML webpages.
- Ebay: grab Ebay products easily
- Email: deal with your configured mailbox to grab email contents
- TxtFolder: this engine get .txt files from a configurable folder and return filename as title and text content as full-text.
- XMLFolder: this engine get .xml files from a configurable folder and return filename and xml tags as outputs.
- Youtube: fetch videos from any Youtube playlists
- Google News: A special engine which could collect news from Google News base on keywords.
Available Processors
- Alias: create slug from text/title/subject.
- Combine: combine fields together into one output field using shortcode.
- Duplicate: check and prevent duplicate data items from source, recommend to use right after alias.
- Cut Introtext: cutting text into two parts.
- Get Fulltext: getting fulltext from a link.
- Get XPath: extract a piece of code from the html input using XPath query.
- Get Images: get images from a link or html.
- Keywords Filter: filter by keywords with AND, OR and NOT operators.
- Strip Tags: strip html tags out of input html or text.
- Change Time: adjust date/time.
- Save Image: save image from a given link
- HTML Decoder: decode html string
- HTML Parser: magic processor to extract html parts from a page
- Regex Replacer: find and replace complex content using Regex
- Original Source: output original source link
- HTML to BBcode: convert all HTML elements from a field to BBCODE format.
- Static value: concat text/code before or after a given input
- TextSpinner: spin text to differnt text by using synonyms words. This processor currently supports English & French.
- Youtube Info: grab details info of a video from a Youtube link
- Get Meta: grab meta keywords and meta description from source pages
- Google News URL: get real google news url
Available Adapters
- Joomla articles
- K2 articles
- Virtuemart products
- Zoo Items
- Kunena posts
- Docman items
- FlexiContent items
More Features
- Joomla auto update system
- Joomla ACL
- Preview processor and engine output
- Pipes Library
- Import / Export pipes
- Import from obGrabber
- Cron Job true CURL and CLI
- Cron Job true CURL with Secret key
- Support 3 mode of posting: manual, autorun, cronjob
- Scheduling time
- Save pipe as template
- and more ...
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