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JS Easy Social Icons 3.4.3

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Do you want social icons on your Joomla site? Choose Easy Social Icons.


The Easy Social Icons module is a simple way to add Joomla Social Icons for all of your social network accounts. You just need to add a link to your accounts, select the icon style that best matches the look of your site, and publish the module. Easy Social Icons supports 18 different social networks.

We didn't name it "Easy" for nothing! With Easy Social Icons you can choose from 6 different icon styles as well as horizontal or vertical presentation of the icons. You can add text before or after the buttons, and drag-and-drop the icons to arrange them in the order you prefer.

18 social networks supported

Using Easy Social Icons you can display up to 18 social networks on your site.

Use only the social networks you need

Display only the icons for the social networks you use. The extension will hide any Joomla social icons that you don't want to show.

Choose your favorite size, style and order

Display the social network icons in one of the many available styles. Also you can set the size and order for the icon display.



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