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Maxi Menu CK Pro 10.1.6

(8 votes)
Make the same menu as on Joomla.org.This is a RESPONSIVE Megamenu, dropdown menu with multicolumns and multirows. You can also load some modules inside. iPhone, iPad, Android compatible. Virtuemart, Hikashop, Joomshopping, AdsManager compatible.

This menu provides some advanced features :
- Multicolumns AND multirows
- Themes are responsive design
- Mootools/jQuery dropdown with nice effects (open or slide)
- Description can be added for each link of the menu
- Loading of module in the menu
- Horizontal or vertical orientation
- MVC structure so the output can be easily overridable in the template
- Image only in the title of each link
- Fancy effect on first level items
- Possibility to have multiple modules on the same page, horizontal or/and vertical
- CSS class, href attribute and column specific width with the plugin Maximenu_CK Params
- SEO optimized (all items are html coded and findable by the search engine)
- Compatible with mobile devices iPhone, iPad, Android
- option to open submenus on click, mouseover, close on click only
- Virtuemart compatible
- Image menu with suffix for mouseover images
- Theme css3megamenu to make the same menu as on Joomla.org
- Hikashop compatible
- RTL compatible with a specific stylesheet (see the documentation)
- Joomshopping compatible
- Set a custom text and image for the mobile version (using the mobile plugin)
- Icon selection for each menu item
- Integrated menu manager (with Maximenu Params)



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