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MX Virtuemart Products Slider 4.0.4

(2 votes)
Virtuemart Product Carousel module shows shop products in five beautiful layouts carousel style. Visitors can view quickly and easily selected products from the shop as they enlarge and slide items with navigation arrows.


Virtuemart products settings

Style ( One / Two / Three / Four / Five )
Display (Featured Products, Discontinued Products, Latest Products, Random Products, Best Sales, Recently Viewed )
Number of displayed products
Show Ratings ( Yes / No )
Show Product Price? ( Yes / No )
Show Add-To-Cart Link? ( Yes / No )
Show Product Detail ( Yes / No )
Show Quantity Selector ( Yes / No )
Show Custom Fields( Yes / No )
Use category filter ( Yes / No )
Category Link ( Yes / No )
Category Name
Use manufacturer filter ( Yes / No )
Manufacturer name
Cache ( Yes / No )
Header Text
Bottom Text

Carousel settings

Items - one to ten
Items (Tab Landscape) - one to ten
Items (Tab Portrait) - one to ten
Items (Mob Landscape) - one to ten
Items (Mob Portrait) - one to ten
Sliding Time
Sliding Speed
Auto play ( Yes / No )
Auto play hover pause ( Yes / No )
Loop ( Yes / No )
Show arrows ( Yes / No )
Arrows style ( top / bottom / center )
Navigation style ( light / dark )
Navigation button rounded ( Yes / No )
Item distance



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