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Payment Form 7.0.1

(1 Vote)
Create forms to collect information and get payment from your site members


via online payment gateway such as: Paypal, Authorize.net, Eway.... Main features:

✔ Support different form types:

★ Free Form: Form with no payment needed. You can use this type of form to collect information of customers/users (like contact form...)
★ Form with fixed payment amount: You can use this kind of form if you want to collect information from customers and ask them to pay for a fixed amount which you setup for that form.
★ Form to allow customers enter the payment amount they want (into a text Amount field) and process payment
★ Form which has payment amount calculated automatically based on customers input.  

✔ Different custom field types:

★ Textbox
★ Textarea
★ List (Signle and multiple select list)
★ Checkboxes
★ Radio
★ Date
★ File
★ Heading
★ Message
★ Countries
★ State

✔ Custom, Flexible Form

★ Integrate Joomla account registration (optional)
★ Show/hide, change ordering any fields on form 
★ You can change, translate the form message and the title of the fields on the form to meet your need.
★ Create unlimited custom fields to collect information of your customer.
★ Each form can has it's own set of custom fields      

✔ Different form layouts to use:

★ Default (Horizontal) Form layout
★ Inline (Vertical) Form layout
★ 2 columns inline
★ 2 columns 2 lines
★ You can also build the custom layout you want if you know basic programming (PHP , HTML)

✔ Different ways to display form:
★ Display via menu item
★ Display in a module position using form module
★ Display form in a Joomla article using the content plugin.

✔ Custom Field dependency is supported

✔ Multilingual: Translate forms, fields, emails, invoice layout to all languages use on your site.

✔ Nice, Clean, Responsive Layout based on twitter bootstrap.

✔ PHP Script plugin allow running custom PHP code (Joomla code) after payment record is stored and/or after payment is completed.

✔ Powerful Emails Notification System:

★ Notification Emails sent to administrator when someone make a payment (the emails which receives notification is configurable, multiple emails is possible - separated by comma)
★ Confirmation Emails sent to users when he completes payment
★ All email messages can be configurable from back-end of Payment Form.

✔ Support 30+ payment gateways:
★ Paypal, Authorize.net, Moneybooker, Eway and Offline payment come with the extension by default
★ Other payment plugins are released as separate plugins

✔ Tax Support

✔ PDF Invoice

✔ Embed form into Joomla article

✔ Display form in a module position

✔ Export payments records into CSV file

✔ Built-in translation feature

✔ Integration with Joomla core Profile, Community Builder and Jomsocial

✔ Captcha & SSL integration

✔ Use Joomla Update System

✔ Other features:

★ Payment History page which display donation history of a donors   
★ CB plugin which display donation history of the user in his Community Builder Profile
★ Jomsocial plugin which display donation history of the user in his Jomsocial Profile



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