Please report version of file and if after 24H We can't update new version, Please upload new version from below form
Some users 5 min after update, upload new version and requset points!



One way to earn points in  BlackJoomla is to share files(Only Extensions & Templates) and active subscription in any joomla provider.

The number of points depends on the fee paid, the type of file, the type of license, and its duration.
Points range from 500-1000 for each new version and 1000-3000 points for long-term subscriptions each month.

We will use Your account and others by a VPS with static IP
If you change password, Let us know
Don't worry! more than 550 users contribute their accounts in


Sharing files, in any case, is to your advantage because:
With one payment, you have bought the file you want, and by subscribing to it, you can download several files you want from BlackJoomla

May send multiple users together a file But points will be added to the user that has sent earlier

Please send us your various shared files separately using the form below.

If you cant upload here, please upload in MediaFire then send link

If your file has problems(Manipulated files, manipulated version, incomplete file, viral file,..)
You are responsible, you will be notified and have 24 hours of troubleshooting and after this time, your account will be completely removed with all points

You sould share extensions that can insatll on multiple domians not only one doamin(Even in some developer subscription you should register you domain name to install and work)

Please log-in to see upload form and earn points

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