Sj Autoparts is powered with VirtueMart 3 component therefor it comes with lots of advanced eCommerce features and functions such as: Mega Menu, Drag & Drop Builder, Ajax Filter for VirtueMart, Mini Cart Pro, Product Quickview, RTL language, 65+ Useful ShortCodes built-in..... With Sj Autoparts, you can quickly setup your online store just in minutes without much coding knowledge.
Template Features
01.Compatible with IE10+, Firefox, Safari, Opera and Chrome02.SP Page Builder Free Version
03.Visual page builder
04.Support responsive layout
05.VirtueMart 3 component
06.Helix3 Framework
07.Support various Font Family as well as Google Fonts
08.Support many styles for RESPONSIVE Menu: Mega Menu and Off Canves menu
09.Allow to set JavaScript for Menus, set start/end level and Keep on top
10.Support many extensions
11.Social integrated
12.Typography and various module variations
13.Use Lazy Load for handling large images
14.HTML5 Validation
16.Support LESSCSS
17.100% table-less design, based on CSS3
18.Optimize CSS/JS/HTML/Merge File
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