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In Blog
It will show you everything you need to prepare and check before upgrading as well as clear steps to migrate Joomla 3 to Joomla4. So, let’s get started now!
Provide support services on your site, the easy way. BBcode or full HTML editing. Email replies. WYSIWYG email template editing. Multilingual support. And much more!
Backup, restore and transfer any PHP site or application in seconds. Based on the rock-solid Akeeba Backup technology. The easiest way to backup and transfer your PHP applications.
In Blog
We will learn how to use Akeeba Backup Pro to upload our Joomla site backups to Google Drive automatically.
Akeeba Subscriptions is an extension that allows you to create paid membership sites. Akeeba Subscriptions integrates directly with Joomla's access controls and with dozens of popular extensions, such as JomSocial, Community Builder or Virtuemart.
Admin Tools is a true Swiss Army knife for your site. Our freely available Admin Tools Core will detect, notify you about new Joomla! releases, fix your files' and directories' permissions, protect your administrator directory with a password, change your database prefix, migrate links pointing to your old domain on-the-fly and perform database maintenance, all with a single click
Akeeba Backup Core is the most widely used open-source backup component for the Joomla! CMS. Its mission is simple: create a site backup that can be restored on any Joomla!-capable server, making it ideal not only for backups but also for site transfers or even deploying sites to your clients' servers. Akeeba Backup creates a full backup of your site in a single archive. The archive contains all the files, a database snapshot and an installer similar in function to the standard Joomla! installer. The backup and restore process is AJAX powered to avoid server timeouts, even with huge sites. Alternatively, you can make a backup of only your database, or only your files. Akeeba Backup is the reliable, easy to use, open source backup solution for your Joomla! site.