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Time to stop User Registrations and Newsletter Subscriptions with Disposable Mail addresses on your website.
Email Protector - Safely cloak email addresses in Joomla!
Advanced email manager for VirtueMart. Edit and customise the email templates using your favourite Joomla!
The RSTickets!Pro Cron plugin extends the standard RSTickets!Pro functionality by adding the possibility to transform an email into a ticket.
Increase your conversion rate at a rapid rate with our all new Valentine Email Template
The RSForm!Pro Mailer Plugin allows RSForm!Pro to send emails using a different mailer settings than the ones from Global Configuration.
Upload them on AcyMailing and enjoy from a lot of  Templates
In Email
Emails, files, calendars & contacts from a single view. Host and Access your data with a Joomla! site. ...this is your office on the cloud
In Email
A must have for practically every Joomla site out there, this extension will turn the 'Vanilla' Joomla emails into a work of art.
OSDownloads is the easiest way to add downloads to Joomla. OSDownloads gives you an flexible and reliable Joomla downloads directory. OSDownloads can store and share files on your computer and on remote services such as Dropbox, Box and Amazon.
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