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When you share a Joomla article's link on Facebook, Facebook often doesn't find the appropriate images and description from your site. Our plugin will help you fix that issue! Perfect Link with Article Images on Facebook adds invisible Open Graph tags in HTML code with images from your article. Thanks to that Facebook knows which image should display next to shared page description. Plugin Link with Article Images on Facebook works only with Joomla! Articles, Category Blog, Frontpage/Featured view. Images from Open Graph tags are also respected by Google+ and will be used when you click +1 button and share link on your profile.
EasySocial is the best social network extension for Joomla! It allows you to start your own social network on Joomla! Fast and easy. Instantly engage and interact with your members with one extension on your desktop, smartphones and tablets. EasySocial membership and registration flow is highly customizable for a wide range of community websites.
Social network integration for Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Yahoo, Instagram, VK, Github, Amazon, Meetup, Windows Live and more for Joomla! Post content to Facebook Pages and Facebook Groups, Twitter Streams and LinkedIn Company Profiles. Use Facebook Open Graph tag and Twitter Card tags to manage the looks of all content shared from your site. Show your Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn streams easily on your site. And much more!
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