With Vehicle Manager it is extremely easy to manage your vehicle listings, create unlimited car categories and subcategories, manage user requests on rent and sale, create custom list of car's characteristics and categories for them and much more.
Vehicle Manager Basic includes set of useful modules and plugins, which will help you to create fully functional car dealership website. You will be able to display cars/vehicles on slideshow or featured section, insert Google Location Map with marked Vehicles on it, display similar cars/vehicles, make your car dealer website Search Engine Optimized (SEO) by creating Meta Tags, SEF URLs and xMap.
From Backend (Administrator Settings):
- Add/Clone/Delete Vehicle
- Publish/unpublish added Vehicles
- Rent/Return Vehicle from rent
- Edit Comments & Ratings of Vehicle
- Accept/Decline rental requests
- Accept/Decline requests on buying
- Full Category & Subcategory support
- Create categories for Technical Characteristics/Specifications, Add/Edit/Delete Technical Characteristics/Specifications for Vehicle
- Google Maps API Integrated
- Full Joomla multilingual support, Language Associate Cars
- Ability to set Featured Shows and Clicks to the certain Vehicle (Promotion features)
- Two algorithms for creation thumbnail of images: Resize or Crop Images
- Lightbox for show images
- Ability to Show/Hide Reviews
- Ability to Show/Hide Map
- Ability to add Extra Custom Fields
- eDocuments Support
- Ability to set Price Format
- Ability to set Date Format
- Ability to show prices in different Currencies
- Special Price for Vehicle for a Certain Period
- Ability to set Prices of Rental per Day or per Night
- Ability to Save/Remove Database when updating
- Ability to add video
- Ability to add audio
- Ability to assign custom Image to Category (instead of standard one)
- English included, other languages (Arabic, Brazilian, Portuguese, danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish) can be downloaded from the website
- Sample data for newbies and more...
From Frontend:
- Responsive Layouts
- Well-Designed Views
- Integrated Vehicle's Search feature
- Google map with marked Vehicle on it
- Booking form with calendar
- Form of request on buying
- Gallery for Vehicles with Lightbox
- Tab User Interface for Single Vehicle: Main, Location, Calendar, Reviews, Book now tabs are available
- Nice display of Technical Characteristics/Specifications of Vehicle
- Forms to contact with agent (for sale and rent of vehicles)
- Ability to add review and rating for Vehicle/Car
- Calendar with displayed available and non-available dates
- Category and Subcategory in Breadcrumbs
- Featured module for Vehicle Manager
- Google Location Map module for Vehicle Manager
- Search module for Vehicle Manager
- Similar module for Vehicle Manager
- Slideshow module for Vehicle Manager
- SEO plugins (Meta Tags, SEF Urls, XMap) for Vehicle Manager
- Link in Content plugin for Vehicle Manager
- Search plugin for Vehicle Manager
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