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Your form submitted data can be sent to your Google Drive using this plugin. The RSForm!Pro Google Drive plugin allows you to connect to your Google Drive and upload submitted files within the desired destination folder.
Google Reviews Pro is a simple and powerful tool to add Google Reviews to Joomla website in an easy and seamless way
A stylish coming soon page when your site is under-construction or goes offline. It comes with a nice countdown timer, detailed contact forms, newsletter subscription, and 3 different styles of layout.
A powerful Joomla! component for goals, plans, habits and personal schedule management.
A community-driven quotes system for publishing and sharing quotes. Your users can submit and discuss the valuable words quoted by famous people and celebrities.
It's an accessibility Joomla plugin working with Joomla 4 as a standalone plugin and with YOOtheme Pro as the integrated solution.
OSContent is designed for managing, adding, creating, and deleting articles, categories and menu links. OSContent is a wonderful time-saver if you need to quickly add content to a Joomla site.
Scroll to Change joomla module displays articles in beautiful styles during scrolling down.
Notify your visitors about the upcoming events, discount or big days.