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Displaying Pinterest feed on your site will create a huge profit for your business. New clients will find your site profile through what you share on Pinterest as offers, eye-catching images, and other Pinterest contents, then react with your feed. It's a smart way to promote your business and attracts more followers.
AA Coming Soon is fully flexible, customizable and responsive offline page.
Allows you to display a fake amount of registered users on your Joomla! site.
DJ-Reviews able the website’s users will be able to write reviews, rate content (including DJ-Classifieds ads, DJ-Catalog listings, and J2Store products).
Speedy Translate is a dedicated Joomla extension with the ultimate goal to make translating work in Joomla easier and speedier.
This simple Virtuemat VMcustom plugin allows you to add a custom price field to some products.
JUX News ticker is a highly versatile Joomla Module that helps to put up a notification on your website with multiple stunning styles at different positions
Help Scout is one of the most popular and user-friendly ways to provide customer support. With the Shack HelpScout extension, you can closely integrate Help Scout with Joomla.
Accept bitcoin payments via CoinBase on your Joomla site using RS Form Pro and the Bitcoin for RSForm plugin.