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Real Estate Manager allows real estate agencies, real estate brokers and agents manage property listings, property categories, hotel booking, motel booking, amenities, booking and buying requests and languages.
Accept bitcoin payments via CoinBase on your Joomla site using RS Form Pro and the Bitcoin for RSForm plugin.
This is a Powerful Photo Gallery extension, allows you to create beautiful Joomla gallery with many different stunning layouts, easily and fast.
This Addon package adds several premium elements in your SP Page Builder on top of the built-in ones given by JoomShaper. Every single element in the package is crafted with utmost attention to details and a simple objective to provide you an amazing experience. We’ve put a lot of time and care to ensure that all the elements are flexible so that they will open limitless possibilities for you, while maintaining simplicity at the core.
FlexiContactPlus is an enhanced version of our popular free contact page component, FlexiContact. It has all the features of FlexiContact, plus all the features you asked for
MediaShop enables you to sell software, documents, or any other type of file on your website.
SEO component to make your Joomla! URLs SEF (search engine friendly) and easily human understandable with metadata generation capabilities. Supports URL translations at multilingual sites using JoomFish/Falang. Online upgrades and extension instalation.
It's a powerful image gallery component, which help you quickly and effortlessly create a beautiful and multi-functional photo gallery on your web site.
Have you had problems embedding Wistia videos into a Joomla site? OSWistia the fastest and easiest way to use Wistia with Joomla
Geek Facebook Chatbot is a Joomla component that dipped its foot into the world of artificial intelligence by offering a customer support and online service