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JM Education 1.03

(1 Vote)
Magnificent education Joomla template created for any type of schools like primary school, college, university, language school or kindergarten websites. The website template uses easy Joomla modules for displaying icons with text, teachers profiles, pricing tables or social icons. All those Joomla modules are free and adjusted to the Joomla template design.

We also used other extensions like DJ-MediaTools - the commercial gallery component and DJ-Tabs to let you insert articles or modules inside tabs or accordion. All commercial extensions are included in the template price - you will get them for free.

On the demo site, you may also discover several views for Joomla events calendar that you may use for presenting school upcoming events.

It's WCAG Joomla template, it means that it follows WCAG recommendations for an accessible website to adjust for people with different disabilities like visual, cognitive, motor or hearing impaired.


* blog
* corporate site
* portfolio
* services presentation
* sliders & galleries
* tabs & accordions
* events callendar


* accessibility ready (WCAG & Section508)
* admin template customization panel
* content managment
* responsive layout - adapts to any screen size
* layout builder
* unlimited template color versions
* code injection
* back to top button
* font size switcher
* logo uploader & site description
* favicon uploader
* sticky topbar
* hide component
* extended typography
* enable/disable responsive layout
* enable/disable facebook open graph
* store & upload your settings

Layout builder     

* create different layouts for desktops/tablets/mobiles
* customize the template layout to suit your needs
* assign layout to menu items

Color modifications     

* front-end theme customizer
* back-end color modifications

Font settings     

* web safe fonts
* google web fonts
* web fonts uploader
* glyphicons
* font awesome
* font size setting
* font color setting

Template width
default width 1170px, boxed or fluid, pixels or percent, configurable at template parameters

Module positions

Module designs
1 default module + 5 additional module designs, 1 additional DJ-MediaTools module design, 2 callendar designs, 1 additional search module design, 2 styles for JM Additional Features module

Menu types     

* dropdown menu
* mega menu
* mobile menu
* offcanvas menu
* horizontal menu
* vertical menu

Web forms
login form, user registration, contact form, Joomla search form events search form

Custom pages
custom 404, coming soon, pricing table teacher profile view about us timetable


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12 file a month, always free to get started! Please see Plans

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All of files compressed by WinRAR - use from Latest WinRAR before install

Password for all files:BlackJoomla.com


Additional Info

  • Version: 1.03
  • Compatible: J3.x
  • FrameWork: EF4
  • Categories: Education, Event
  • Features: Responsive, RTL
  • Password: BlackJoomla.com