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Use this tool to transfer files or database items between two different Joomla! sites, or duplicate items within your live site. This is a 'mass' copy/paste tool necessary for ALL Joomla! administrators.
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Emails, files, calendars & contacts from a single view. Host and Access your data with a Joomla! site. ...this is your office on the cloud
SP Staging is a tool with the ability to manage remotely all Joomla! extensions from a central coordinator site on all your Joomla! sites. Imagine using the core Joomla! Extensions Manager with all its functionality (install, find updates, update, upgrade Joomla! etc), but instead you can control all your sites from one place
Migrate your old Joomla! sites with the best, most popular, used on thousands of sites already, by thousands of satisfied users, component and keep your Google Rank safe.