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YooTheme Florence 1.20.2

(4 votes)
Florence is perfect for hair and beauty salons and fashion websites where you can showcase your work and services with price lists, about and contact pages. It's built with the YOOtheme Pro page builder.


This YOOtheme Pro theme package for Joomla comes with 9 ready-to-use page layouts to get you started in no time. Each layout is well-thought-out and is perfect for Beauty & Fashion websites.

This YOOtheme Pro theme package for Joomla comes with 6 diverse and fully customizable style variations that can be changed with a single click. Switch between them to find the style that suits your Joomla website best!

In addition to styles and layouts, you get a huge collection of high-quality and free-to-use images. After a comprehensive research we have hand-picked 70 images for this topic to make your website stand out! All images can also be found in the Florence collection in the Unsplash library.

The Florence demo website is available as a full Joomla installation including YOOtheme Pro and the demo content. It's the perfect starter kit for your next Joomla website and to learn how everything is put together.


Plugin Integration

This Joomla demo package makes additional use of 3rd party plugins. They are free and already preinstalled and configured in the demo package. Here is the list of all plugins.



YooTheme Florence


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Additional Info

  • Version: 1.20.2
  • Compatible: J3.x
  • FrameWork: Warp
  • Categories: Business, Fashion
  • Features: Responsive, QuickStart Package
  • Password: BlackJoomla.com