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DJ-Tabs 2.3.1

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DJ Tabs is a powerful Joomla tabs and accordion extension that support purposed for displaying different types of content in a flexible way allowing you to set almost every aspect of the look, feel and content and way it is displayed

There are two main layouts available - you can use tabs or accordion view

However, there is also a combined way possible. If you are displaying articles form defined category - the accordion list of articles will be shown on the tab!

Going further to the customization you can add the custom icon (font awesome) to each tab, and customize the whole tabs or accordion view by using the theme customizer or one of the 12 predefined themes!

Each of them can be easily configured and offers different options so that you can set everything depending on your needs.

There are also many other useful features that can come to your mind as a need once you start using any tabs extension.For example, you can create an URL that will point directly to the tab of your choice. You can set the starting tab and decide which tab will be opened first when the webpage is opened.

Read more below to learn more about them.

What kind of content can be displayed in tabs or accordion?
The possibilities are huge - from the single article, through articles from a specific category to modules.
There are exactly six types of items that can be used:
- Module position - you can display any Joomla module of your choice in the tab or accordion. This is a very powerful feature. Imagine you can display for example Latest news module in one tab, popular articles in the second tab. This way you can create a nice sidebar widget for your website with the most interesting content. The possibilities are endless.
- Single Joomla article - choose any Joomla article that will be displayed in the tab or accordion, from now you have a really wide range of possibilities to decide how the article will look like in the tab, some of the features you can set are:
-- show/hide the date and decide on its position
-- show/hide or link the title
-- Limit characters of the title so rest will be cut out
-- Control the image’s behavior by setting options to show/hide it, choose its position (left/right/center), make the image linked, or set its dimensions by providing width and height
-- Intensive settings of the description (content of the article that is displayed in the tab) by setting if it should be displayed in full (HTML) or just the content that can be limited by providing the characters limit. Make the content linked, display the category name above the content, make it linked or show/hide author of the article. You can also manage displaying the “read more” button and even change its text to your own right in the tab settings if you want to make it special for some reason.
- Articles category - articles from selected category will be pulled and displayed in accordion layout inside the tab!
- Video link - display videos from Youtube or Vimeo by simply pasting the URL
- K2 single item - you can display content of the selected K2 item (when K2 is installed)
- K2 category - you can display content of the chosen K2 category (when K2 is installed) - this works in the same way as when pulling articles from Joomla category.

Items can be grouped into categories. You can set the unlimited number of groups and items. Each instance of DJ-Tabs (so any number of DJ-Tabs modules or DJ-Tabs menu items) can display items from the different groups!

Another fantastic feature of this tabs Joomla extension is the possibility of creating an own theme by using a simple editor (creator, theme builder) or use one of 12 predefined, included themes.

What’s more in DJ Tabs?

  • DJ Tabs comes with a huge flexibility - there are a lot of parameters to set if you want to go deeper into the settings. For example, you can choose whether the content in tabs should include images or not.
  • set the limit of characters for the title.
  • Another exciting option - you can decide whether the added video should be paused/started automatically while switching tabs.
  • You can also set the tabs animation speed,
  • select a type of tabs' trigger to open them on click or mouseover
  • set articles' ordering,
  • create article's images thumbnails
  • and much more!

Like every extension we provide, DJ Tabs offers an extended documentation section where you can learn:
- How to make a DJ Tabs installation
- Discover tabs component options
- How to create tabs groups
- See available options for an item
- The full list of options available in the tabs configuration
- How to displays Tabs or Accordions on your website in 3 ways.

Tabs Functionalities and Management

In the component’s settings, you can easily browse most important features you want to reach.
Jump quickly to:
- Items (particular tabs) and make adjustments to them. For each item you can set things like:
- Setting the group it is assigned to (you can create an unlimited amount of “groups” which works like categories or sets for your tabs).
- Choose one of 6 types of the tab content (Joomla article, list of articles from Joomla category displayed in accordion layout inside the tab, module position to display any Joomla module assigned to this position inside the tab, publish a video from Youtube or Vimeo by simply pasting the URL and K2 items or list of the items from selected category in same way you would use Joomla articles)
- Quick add of the new item
- Groups - the place where you create your groups (you can also call the categories or sets). You can create or edit the groups by naming them. Later you assign the items to the groups. Imagine a group as a list of the particular tabs.
- Quick add to the new group
- Themes - here you can see the list of predefined styles (12 of them) or create yours. Creating a new theme is a great way to make the tabs to fit into your website or event part of your website. Taking into account that you can assign different theme/style to each of the instances of tabs, by using this one extension you can create unlimited visual variants of tabs to fit any page on your website.

Tabs Tutorials

Joomla tabs extension documentation includes a tutorial section where you can find many thematic articles, and extend your knowledge about Joomla content tabs.

This collection of tips related to tabs is recommended for every DJ Tabs user.
See the list of available tabs extension tutorial articles for this moment:

How to use Joomla tags in DJ-Tabs
See how to manage the tag filtering feature for DJ-Tabs.

How to insert the DJ-MediaTools album in the DJ-Tabs component
Learn how to used DJ-MediaTools albums with DJ-Tabs

How to set a starting tab for a menu item
Learn how to set the starting tab in the menu item.

How to set a starting tab for a module
There is the possibility to set the starting tab in a module.

How to link to specific tab
You can set a link that directs to appropriate tabs. It’s easy.

How to put more than one tabs or accordion to article
You can display tabs or accordion in your Joomla content using modules. See how to set accordion or tabs anywhere in the article.

Translations of DJ Tabs

The Joomla tabs component offers multilingual translation for different languages:

  • English
  • German
  • Russian
  • Slovenian
  • Portuguese

The number of language packs for Joomla tabs is dynamically expanded.


DJ Tabs ver 1.3.6
- (+) tag filtering added
- (+) K2 ver.2.9.x support added
- (!) fixed displaying unpublished K2 items
- (!) fixed mootools/jquery "window.getSize().x" conflict

DJ Tabs ver 1.3.5
- + WCAG 2.0 support: script declarations moved from BODY to HEAD
- + WCAG 2.0 support: removed inline styling
- + WCAG 2.0 support: added 'aria-expanded' property on active tab
- + added parameter for disabling WCAG JS script
- + added Polish language file
- ! article image's 'alt' and 'title' attributes are now taken from article's image configuration
- ! fixed tabs width calculation problem happening on some templates
- ! fixed ordering of article category happening in some cases
- ! fixed selecting K2 item in back-end, when K2 version 2.8.0 or later installed
- ! minor fixes & improvements
- ! k2item.php fix if no k2 installed (resolves back-end item page crash)
- ! by Ordering direction (asc, desc) article category fix
- ! parsing articles with content fields plugin

DJ Tabs ver. 1.3.4
- added global parameters for Article Category item type
- added CSS classes for next & prev tabs for styling purposes
- Automatic Video Play/Pause fix
- Improved respecting "Start item" & "Accordion Layout Display" parameters in the accordion layout
- Added loading Meta Keywords & Description from menu item parameters
- Fixed bug causing creating module overrides problems
- Fixed bug causing javascript error if no accordion used for Article Category item
- Fixed admin footer displayed year
- fixed admin pagination warning in Groups view

DJ Tabs ver.
- license entering fix
- deprecated router.php file removed

DJ Tabs ver. 1.3.3
- added option of linking to specific tabs ("Start Item" parameter)
- added "Truncate Titles" parameter for leaving Article Category accordion items untruncated
- added function for truncating article's content, causing words to not be cut in the middle
- fixed publishing dates issues on servers with custom time zones
- removed unnecessary loading of the modal library
- plgeditors-xtddjtabs Plugin - Joomla 3.5 TinyMCE popup layout fix
- added 'defer' attribute to the script file, to avoid conflicts


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