The JEvents package includes the main component, several modules and plugins to provide a feature rich solution to cover all of your event / calendar needs. Here is a quick rundown of what is included:
Events Component
- One-off Events and complex repeat patterns of events that can be created and viewed in an attractive calendar and a variety of list formats
- Multiple design layouts possible and customisable as we follow the Joomla! template override standards.
- Fully compatible with Joomla MVC framework
- iCal imports and exports of events and calendars - import a calendar from Google and from your phone and present the merged list of events in a singular calendar or event list view
- Repeat event exception handling - remove one event repeat or change the event repeat date, the repeat time or the event description etc.
- Support all day events or events with no end times
- Events can be placed in multiple categories and calendar views that can be customised to show events from all or some of these categories
- Optional checking for overlapping events on a global or category specific basis - so you can block event creation when the new event overlaps with an existing event
Custom layouts editor
If you're not happy with the default output - we offer a unique Layout editing tool to perfect the presentation of your single event pages, event lists and calendar views of your events. With just some basic HTML and CSS you can really customise the whole page to create the perfect event calendar for your needs
- Edit how to display your events in: Events Detail page, Event List views or in the Monthly Calendar cells.
- You can even customise the event editing page to make it easier for your users to submit events or edit an existing event
- Custom layouts can be category specific, so your sports events can be laid out differently to your music events etc.
- Running a multilingual site? Your layouts can also be language specific!! You can create translations of your events too so your visitors will see the details of each event in their own language.
- Event Calendar module provides you with a basic monthly calendar view. Coloured to highlight when events are occurring and links to day lists of events or directly to single events.
- Latest events module (List of events) which gives a highly configurable summary of upcoming events, recently created events or popular events
- Events legend (Category List) - displayed alongside the component gives you a summary of event categories and an easy way to limit the events shown to specific categories
- Filter module allows you to filter/search the events being displayed using a variety of search filters which are selectable within the module.
Events Search Plugin
- A search plugin that enables the global Joomla search to search from the events in your event calendar
JEvents speaks Afrikaans, Arabic, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Latvian, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian and Vietnamese -
Present your Events Calendar in the language of your users
JEvents has been powering event and calendar functionality on Joomla websites since 2006 and we have helped countless users to get their website running with a fully functional events / calendar system and will keep on providing JEvents for the foreseeable future. We are passionate about Joomla! and have been from the beginning so we are not going anywhere soon.
JEvents 3.4 is available for general download - this is a Joomla 3.x native component that takes JEvents to the next level using jQuery and Bootstrap.
Now fixed for Joomla 4
Addons Available
Free and paid extensions are available to further extend the functionality of JEvents from our site and from 3rd party developers. You can therefore further and enhance your events management and presentation capabilities.
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