T Tech Shop is a modern and professional Joomla Technology template which is well-designed for Hi-tech store websites to promote your products and services. This template is built with a drag-drop layout with SP Page Builder & Quix Page Builder which supports both Free and PRO versions.
In addition, this template is developed on a powerful framework with fully Bootstrap CSS under 100% responsive layout so that it supports mobile devices such as mobile phones, tablets, and Ipads.Also, it possesses flexible template options with Helix Framework including Canvas Mobile Menu, Retina/Mobile logos, Google Fonts, Megamenu Generator, Compress JS/CSS code, Multi-colors (4-8 styles). Strong shortcodes, unlimited template positions and template layout, and integrating with Hikashop Joomla Extension are some other remarkable highlights of this template to attract more customers to your site. Besides, the template comes with seven main pages that are easy for your customer to access your site.
LT Tech Shop has all the things you need to create an awesome site, let’s discover it.
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