* Allows your users to submit quotes from front-end.
* Category system allows you to categorize authors and quotes.
* Author profiles with avatar support
* Comment system support: Facebook comments, Disqus comments, IntenseDebate, JComment, JAComment, Kommento
* WYSIWYG editor support
* Tagging system allows tags can be added to quotes for easy searching
* Powerful permission system to restrict the features of the component such as quotes submission, viewing quotes, WYSIWYG editor usage, moderating
* Points System: Sociable, CjForum, JomSocial, EasySocial and AUP
* User avatar support - Sociable, CjForum, CjBlog, JomSocial, EasySocial, CB, Kunena, AUP and Gravatar
* Activity Stream Support - Sociable, CjForum, JomSocial and EasySocial
* Social sharing & bookmarking tools.
* Email notifications to administrators and users on a new comment posted, new quote/author profile submitted, etc.
* Categories Module: Displays author categories and quotes categories in any module position.
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