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EShop 3.9.4

(19 votes)
EShop EShop
EShop is a powerful & responsive Joomla Shopping Cart / e-Commerce extension. It is built based on the standard Joomla! MVC structure with many great features, user friendly and easy to customize.


Catalog Mode
Quote Cart Mode
Unlimited/multi-level Categories
Unlimited Manufacturers
Unlimited Products
Product Reviews and Rating
Product to PDF Download
Related Products
Compare Products
Wishlist Products
Notify me when product is available
Ask question about product
Email a Friend about product
Call for price
Unlimited images per product
Full configurable image sizes of different pages
Configurable process images function: Resize, Cropsize or Maxsize
Popout/Zoom product images
Unlimited Products Options with separate SKU, additional price and image per option value
Unlimited Products Attributes
Unlimited Products Custom Fields
Unlimited Product Attachments
5 Extra Product Tabs
Additional tabs to display additional information for product
Unlimited Custom Labels for product
Export data to CSV/XML files
Batch Products Process

Mini Cart module with live update
One page checkout - simple and fast
Custom fields for Billing Address and Shipping Address
Coupons/Discounts Support
Gift Voucher Support
Multiple Geo Zones, Zones
Multiple Tax Classes and Tax Rates
EU VAT Rules supported
Multiple Length and Weight classes
Orders, Viewed Products, Purchased Products Reports
Support Downloadable Products
Support PDF Invoice with editable layout
Supports Watermark for photos
Multiple currencies and daily update exchanged rate
Multiple languages (English, Dutch, Spanish, Germany, French, Italian, Thai, Turkey, Hungarian, Norwegian, Croatian, Russian, Czech Republic, Serbian, Hebrew, Arabic, Bulgarian, Finnish, Korean, Greek, Slovak, Portugal and Brazil now), support association multiple languages
60+ Payment Gateways (Based on Omnipay payment plugin library)
10+ Shipping Methods


Mobile responsive
Full of custom layout and CSS
jQuery, Ajax and Bootstrap
Compatible with any Joomla templates
Multiple themes support


Notification emails for admin, customer, guest and manufacturer
Notification emails when order status changed
All of content/layout of emails are editable


Full of Meta keywords/ Meta description for categories/products/manufacturers
Custom page title & page heading for categories/products/manufacturers
Intelligent SEF URLs
Social share products
Category/Product navigation
Microdata Rich Snippets
Support captcha/SSL


Membership Pro integration
Joomla Users integration
Content plugin to display products everywhere
Content plugin to search products
The ability to display videos from YouTube, Vimeo, etc
iDevAffiliate integration
AcyMailling integration
MailChimp integration
The ability to migrate data from Virtuemart


Add-ons: http://joomdonation.com/add-ons/eshop-add-ons.html
Template & themes: http://joomdonation.com/joomla-templates/eshop-templates.html
Extra payment plugins: http://joomdonation.com/payment-plugins/eshop-payment-plugins.html



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Password for all files:BlackJoomla.com


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Image Gallery

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