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Users after register, automatically added to your MailChimp list by this plugin silently...
By Google Business Reviews, Boost consumer confidence and search engine optimization.
Create an amazing responsive mobile menu that looks like a mobile application and give your users a great mobile experience. It is compatible with many menus and can be styled directly whithin the interface.
Places the RSform Pro form in Joomla profile page
Perfect Publisher is a one-of-a-kind innovative social media solution to automatically publish your content to platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
Crowdfunding is Joomla! extension that provides functionality for building and managing websites for collective fundraising.
This simple app lets you keep the adverts even when they are being deleted by the user.
The app comes with three pop-up styles. It replaces the built in zoom effect and adds attractive pop-up styles to your product images.
OS Social Comments and Sharing is a flexible Joomla social share and comment module.
Create, publish and share feature rich polls super easy. Build community driven polling feature on your website and get feedback on each poll from your users.