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Simply create a quiz category, add questions, then add a menu item, it really is that easy.
RAXO Prime is an ideal solution for the header of your Joomla site. Big images with titles and text overlaying them is a smart way to promote your articles. It’s a huge trend these days because big images deliver nice and beautiful visuals to viewers and tell instant stories what your article or news is about. This fully responsive and retina-ready layout is best for magazines, newspapers, review sites or blogs that produce visually appealing content. It can be everything from food, fitness and lifestyle to art, law, and beauty.
Complete cross-extension statistics recording and report system for Joomla, full activity stream logs for admins. Monitor everything that happens in your site without the need of an external tool like Google Analytics. Analytics right into your Joomla site, graphic reports.
Latest News, Newsflash, News Display, Articles Display, Testimonials & Suggestions
AA Coming Soon is fully flexible, customizable and responsive offline page.
complete music management system that helps musicians get their music online. It helps you to share albums, songs, artists and playlists with your users and let them share with everyone else.
Disable or enable payment methods by the selected shipment method for VirtueMart. Hide or show your desired payment methods when a shipment method is selected by the user. Install it, enable it, set your rules and you are ready to go.
A complete contact form package designed to give users a quick and easy way to place contact forms anywhere within their Joomla website
An impressive, feature-rich and elegant responsive slider for K2 articles.