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Allows website owners to verify their users identity by submitted files (pdf, images, docs..) or social accounts of registered users, files are automatically
Awesome component which helps you to display all of your clients, partners’ testimonials on your website at different positions with many beautiful styles. JUX Testimonial - a Joomla extension of feedbacks and testimonials by JoomlaUX team
Custom administrator menu at the Joomla backend.
This Joomla! Module displays the Support Hours from your website. It shows the date-time of your online store based on your timezone, and the current date-time of the visitor.
Stackideas Toolbar is a module that unifying and centralizing the look-and-feel of the toolbar across all of our extensions.
Fancy Team Page is a great Joomla Module to showcase your team members with their name, picture, content and contact information.
JUX Mega Menu for JoomShopping is a powerful & responsive Joomla menu module which helps you to flexibly & easily bring JoomShopping categories & subcategories to display in menu.
JUX Background Video is an innovative full screen background video module for Joomla 3.x developed by JoomlaUX team.
Displaying events on your website can be something simpler than you think. Through the No Boss Calendar extension, you can choose ready-made calendar layouts and register events in different ways: normal event registration, recurring event registration and integration with Google Calendar.
JUX Social Popup is one of the most effective module which helps you increase number of followers in your social networking sites. A social popup displays numerous social network’s like, share, follows buttons to impress your visitor and keep them interact with you via different channel like Facebook, twitter, google plus, and other 7 social network pages. It is a joomla social multi share extension from JoomlaUX team.