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Creative Contact Form Business 5.0.0

(5 votes)
Creative Contact Form is a powerful contact form builder with amazing visual effects. You will be surprised by count of all the possible features! Over 105,000+ sites are already using Creative Contact Form.

Main Features

Insert forms anywhere in content
All texts are fully customizable
Flexible field types - name, email, phone, address, url, number, textarea, select, multiple select, checkbox, radio
Completely new checkbox, radio selection effect, implemented special for this extension
Load countries list (239 countries)
Flexible and user friendly interface for inputting checkbox,radio/select options
Set pre-checked/selected options for checkbox,radio/select types
Multiple email recipients, BCC, custom reply to email, from email
Automatically fill in User name and email if logged in
Allows page redirect to URL or menu item after sending email
Set all fields as required or not
Ajax based - no page reload
High level Spam protection
Custom email subject
Shake effect if field is not valid
Very easy to install and configure

Creative Contact Form is structured for creating:

    Contact Forms
    Application Forms
    Reservation Forms
    Survey Forms
    Contact Data Pages
    and much more.

You will get ready-to-use form just after installation!

✉ SUPPORT: If you think you found a bug or have any problem or question concerning this extension, do not hesitate to contact us in support forum.

REQUIREMENTS: This extension requires Joomla 3.X or higher.


1. How can I install Creative Contact Form?

Sign in to Joomla! administrative panel as a Super User, then go to Extensions > Extension Manager page. Press Choose file (Browse) button and select the .zip folder of Creative Contact Form. Click Upload and Install.

2. How can I activate Creative Contact Form plugin?

Navigate to Extensions > Plug-in Manager page, and search for Creative Contact Form. Enable System - Creative Contact Form plugin, and you will be able to load forms with a shortcode in articles and custom modules.

3. How can I publish the created forms as a menu item?

Create a new menu item in your menu first. Then, select the type of your menu item to Creative Contact Form.

You will see a field for selecting a form, with the list of active forms titles. Just select desired form there.

4. How can I display my form in a module position?

Navigate to Extensions > Module Manager page, then search for Creative Contact Form Module. Edit it, and set Module Assignment and Position.

Make sure to set status to Published. There is a field Select Creative Form, with list of acive forms. Just select desired form there.

5. Can the form be inserted into a Joomla! article?

Firstly, please enable System - Creative Contact Form plugin from Extensions > Plug-in Manager page. Afterwards, navigate to Components > Creative Contact Form > Forms page from the top menu of your Joomla! administrative panel.

Select the shortcode of the form you want to publish . Copy the code and paste it into your article.

7. Can I send the submitted information of a form to multiple email addresses?

Go to Components->Creative Contact Form->Forms->Your Form->Email Options, where you will find Email To field. It lets you write multiple email addresses as recipients. Make sure to separate them with comma.

Also, CC and BCC options will let you select extra recipients.

Keywords: Contact Form Builder, Contact Us, Contact Form Generator, Contact Form Maker, Custom Forms, Feedback Form, Survey, Event Registration, Hotel Reservation,
Creative Forms, Creative Themes, Template Creator Wizard, Template Customization, CS Forms, CS Builder, CS Vision LAB

IMPORTANT: Please do NOT use reviews to submit bug reports, feature requests, and suggestions. For such stuff use the support forum instead.


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