Media items Features:
- Automatic or manual server-side media items processing
- Multiple media types support (Videos, Images, Audio, Documents)
- Like and dislike media items
- Like and dislike meter in media item
- Feature or unfeature media items
- Custom fields support
- Tags management
- Multiple comments systems support (Komento, Disqus, jComment...)
- Media sharing (Social share, embed and permalink)
- Advanced reporting system
- Media items organization true categories, tags, channels, playlists, albums and groups
- Permissions support
- Allow multiple items downloading
- Choose media item privacy (listed or unlisted)
- Change media item status (Unapproved, approved, pending items, reported items)
- Enable or disable author access only
- Protect media item by password
- Enable age restriction to each media item
- Allow or disallow comments, likes and embedding in each media item
- Control media item download access
- Multiple players support
- Set the maximum size allowed for each media item
Videos Features
- Upload single or multiple videos from PC
- Add direct videos links
- Add single or multiple remote videos (Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Metacafe and more ...)
- Add remote streams (HLS, RTMP, MP4 Fallback)
- Easy videos import from server
- Auto video thumbnail generation in multiple resolutions
- Choose video thumbnail quality
- Video thumbnail auto optimized
- Enable or disable video autoplay
- Add watermark to video and choose watermark position (Top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right)
- Set default video quality (240p, 360p, 480p, 720p, 1080p)
- Set default video aspect (Standard or Widescreen)
- Choose video processing preset
- Change maximum video and audio bitrate in all resolutions
- Control formats (mp4, webm, flv) and resolutions (240p, 360p, 480p, 720p, 1080p) generation
- Choose default fallback (HTML5 or Flash)
Images Features
- Upload single or multiple images from PC
- Add direct images links
- Add single or multiple remote images (Flickr only for now)
- Add watermark to picture and choose watermark position (Top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right)
- Auto image thumbnail generation in multiple resolutions
- Choose image thumbnail quality
- Image thumbnail auto optimized
Audio Features
- Upload single or multiple audio files from PC
- Add direct audio links
- Add single or multiple remote audio (Soundcloud only for now)
- Control formats (mp3, ogg) generation
Categories Features
- Add unlimited nested categories
- Add description, image, metadata and more to each category
- Assign media item to single or multiple categories
- Control featured media items in each category (manually selected, most recent or most recent featured)
- Choose media item ordering in each category (most recent, most viewed, recently modified, most liked ....)
Albums Features
- Add details and thumbnail in each album
- Add metadata informations (meta description, keywords, content rights ) in each album
- Control album publishing details (date created, start and end of publishing, status, privacy and more...)
- Manage and add media items easily inside album Choose media item ordering in each category (most recent, most viewed, recently modified, most liked ....)
- Ability to reset views, likes and dislikes from backend and more ...
Channels Features
- Add description description
- Add channel cover
- Feature or unfeature channel
- User can subscribe or unsubscribe to a channel
- Add metadata informations (meta description, keywords, content rights ) in each channel
- Ability to reset views, likes and dislikes from backend and more ...
- Control album publishing details (date created, start and end of publishing, status, privacy and more...)
- Enable or disable auto create channel feature
Playlists Features
- Add description and thumbnail in each album
- Add metadata informations (meta description, keywords, content rights ) in each playlist
- Control album publishing details (date created, start and end of publishing, status, privacy and more...)
- Manage and add media items easily inside playlist
- Choose media item ordering in each playlist (most recent, most viewed, recently modified, most liked ....)
- Ability to reset views, likes and dislikes from backend and more ...
Permissions Features
- Control who can create, delete and edit
- Control who can subscribe to channel
- Control who can like & dislike media item
- Control who can report and comment media item
- Control who can upload media item
- Control who can add remote media item
- Permission control in categories, albums, groups, channels and playlists
➕ More Features
- Activity stream
- Easy management of reported and pending items (media, channels, playlists ....)
- File extensions management
- Files management
- Kaltura and Vzaar platforms integration
- Autopost to twitter
- Subscription management
- Advanced procession control and management
- Advanced layouts customization
- Upload limits
- Enable and disable each type of upload (file uploads, remote imports, links imports, embed imports, RTMP imports)
- Multiple and single upload
- Amazon S3 integration
- Community link and avatar integration
- Joomla auto update system integration
- Advanced caching system
- Enable or disable features easily
- Multi-language
- Access level support
- And more ...
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