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CjForum 5.0.11

(1 Vote)
Build awesome discussion forums with integrated social features, beautiful user interface and power packed feature set.


  • Mobile Ready: Not just looks but also behaves great on smartphones, tablets, and desktops.

  • Personal Messaging: Quickly send messages to other forum users with built-in private messaging system

  • Social Login: Sign up or sign in your users with social services such as Facebook, Google, Twitter and Linkedin

  • Nested Categories: With unlimited nested categories support, organize content in a better way.

  • Leaderboard: Display the top user rankings and encourage users to participate in discussions.

  • Profile System: CjForum profile glue your users with one stop shop for all your user data and provides personalized page. Supports custom profile fields.

  • Points System: Reward your users with the built-in points system and motivate them to discuss more.

  • Rank System: With the built-in rank system, you can assign a rank to your users and encourage them.

  • Activity Stream: CjForum activity stream provides a unified page to view and discuss on all user activity.

  • Tagging System: Flexible integration with Joomla tag system allows more organized content and explore topics.

  • Avatars Support: Built-in avatar system can be extended using flexible API, or you can use third-party avatars.

  • Likes/Dislikes: Topics and replies can be liked/disliked and users can say Thank You to other user replies.

  • Social Sharing: Social sharing/bookmarks integration through AddThis allows your users to share topics or bookmark them.

  • Powerful ACL: Protect your content with powerful ACL system. Define permission for each user group for different actions.

  • WYSIWYG Editor: Use your Joomla WYSIWYG editor to post topics or reply to them. Make full use of Joomla editor's potential.

  • Email subscriptions: Let your users subscribe to the categories or listings and get notified of any updates/new submissions.

  • Fully Customizable: Uses Joomla® MVC design, sharable layouts and most of the one-click options.

  • Advanced Search: Advanced search page let you search the content easily with loads of options.

  • RSS Feeds: RSS Feeds feature to let your users subscribe the listings through their favorite RSS reader.

  • Multiple Listings: Browse multiple listings such as latest, popular, featured topics or user submitted topics.

  • GDPR compliance updates: Allow users to download and delete profile and posts, take consent before saving the profile.



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