The offer in CM Live Deal is limited-time and real-time offer which is created by site administrator or merchant. Offer can be started or stopped by merchant at any time.
User can browse for the deals in his/her city and claim the deals without paying to website. After getting coupon, user can print it or show it to merchant to redeem and receive discount from merchant.
- Joomla! 3.x.x: CM Live Deal is NOT compatible with Joomla! 1.x.x or 2.x.x, only Joomla! 3.x.x is supported.
- Bootstrap: CM Live Deal is compatible with both Bootstrap 2 and 3. Bootstrap must be loaded on your site by Joomla! or by your template.
For merchants:
- Easy sign-up: User can register for a Joomla! user account and a merchant account at the same time.
- Easy profile management: Merchants can manage Joomla! profile and merchant profile in the same place.
- Create unlimited deals.
- Start and stop deals at any time: Create deals when merchants need traffic and customers, stop deals when merchants satisfy their traffic needs.
- Know how much their deals attract customers by impression and click values.
- Manage their coupons. Mark coupons as redeemed.
- Know if user is a trusted customer (user will come to redeem coupon).
- Know if user is a return customer.
- Upload photos of their stores, products,... to promote for their businesses.
- Integrate with membership component, currently only support Membership Pro and Akeeba Subscription. Limit how many deals merchant can create, how many days merchant's deals are available on the site.
- Limit how many coupons are available for every deal.
- Have a detail page for displaying merchant info and deal list.
- Integration with Easy Profile: show deals in merchant profile, get merchant profile from Easy Profile directly to show in deal detail.
For users:
- Search for deals by keyword, category and city.
- Get coupon just in few clicks.
- Ability to get coupon without registration.
- Manage claimed/captured coupons.
- Do not need to pay to get coupon, only need to pay directly to merchant, no more asking website owner for refund.
- Do not need to wait until deal reaches its minimum claim/purchase quantity like traditional "groupon" sites.
- No daily mail: Users are not bothered by marketing emails every day, they only find deals when they need and come to merchants to redeem instantly.
- Share deals to Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+.
For site owners:
- Create unlimited categories and sub-categories (powered by Joomla!'s Categories component).
- Easy to manage merchants and cities via Google Maps.
- Easy to manage the uploaded photos of merchants.
- Get coordinates by location address or by clicking and moving marker on Google Maps, no need for copy-paste coordinates from Google Maps website.
- Manually create new coupon.
- Integration with Jooma!'s Group: charging merchants for subscription/membership for posting deals on website by integrating with third party extensions of Joomla! (eg. Membership Pro, Akeeba Subscription or PayPlans).
- Responsive website: with the power of Bootstrap, website is responsive and nicely displayed on mobile devices, saving the cost for developing and maintaining iOS and Android applications.
- Provide coupon in HTML or PDF format.
- Modules for displaying the lists of categories and cities.
- Ability to list featured merchants in module.
Supported languages:
CM Live Deal comes with English by default. The following translations are contributed by CM Live Deal users but not 100% translated:
- Spanish (es-ES), translated by ServiApps
- Portuguese (pt-PT), translated by Eugênio Telles.
- Italian (it-IT), translated by Davide Boris Minniti and HolalaWeb
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