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The elegant way to show high resolution, zoomed images. With responsive design & touch gestures, you can rely on Magic Zoom.
OSDownloads is the easiest way to add downloads to Joomla. OSDownloads gives you an flexible and reliable Joomla downloads directory. OSDownloads can store and share files on your computer and on remote services such as Dropbox, Box and Amazon.
With this component you can connect joomla to www.dropbox.com You can publish files, view the pictures in a directory and let users upload files to dropbox. You can use the extension as a component or as a plugin
Provide support services on your site, the easy way. BBcode or full HTML editing. Email replies. WYSIWYG email template editing. Multilingual support. And much more!
JUX Background Video is an innovative full screen background video module for Joomla 3.x developed by JoomlaUX team
If you can write the SQL to extract the data you want to plot, Plotalot will use the Google Visualization API to dynamically draw various different charts or tables, with numerous formatting options.
TAGZ inserts Open Graph and Twitter Cards into your Joomla! based website. By doing so, your website tells social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Google+ what information to display whenever you or anyone else shares a link from your site. In other words: by adding Open Graph Tags and Twitter Cards using TAGZ the content of your website will look GREAT when shared on Facebook, Twitter and the other social networks!
OSMeta is the easiest way to manage metadata for your Joomla site. With OSMeta you will be able to easily control page titles, keywords and URLs for all your articles via a single screen, which makes editing fast. There's also a character counter to make it easy to see when your metadata is just right or too long
RAXO All-mode K2 is a news module that shows your K2 information in an attractive way. It is the most flexible and functional tool for content presentation. Friendly and intuitive administration saves your time and makes your work easy and effective.
It adds a reCaptcha v2 (I’m not a robot) to block any automatic attempts and it adds and extra PIN-code. The PIN code adds one extra layer of security which enhances the security significant.